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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Welcome to my Blog! | First Post

Hi, my name is Marea and I am 14 years old! I love to do and see so many different things so that is why I decided to make my blog about anything and everything I feel like writing about! I will have at least one post each week, and maybe even more! My blog will mostly consist of short stories, DIY, hairstyles, movie reviews, personal experiences, things I'm liking at the moment, dance, and more. I originally created this blog due to an English assignment, and had a hard time coming up with ideas on what to call it, and write about but then I decided on calling it AnythingandEverything. Basically meaning I will write about anything and everything. It could be completely random, a serious topic, or even a fun DIY.  I love being creative, especially through art, and dance and this blog will be another creative outlet, which I'm super excited for! I was originally going to do a blog about dance tips, conditioning and stretching exercises, but I decided to broaden this out and have it on anything.

If you have a blog, I would love to read yours too! Leave a comment, and I would be happy to check out your blog. I am also open to new ideas and topics, and if you have any requests I would love to hear them! This blog doesn't have an specific topics, which will be nice because that way I can write about anything and everything.

To start I thought I am going to share a little more about me, my favorite books, thing's I like to do, random facts, and anything I feel like sharing!

Random Facts:

• I was born in California, but don't live there anymore.

• I speak Japanese, and I am learning American Sign Language, and Chinese. (and of course English)

• My absolute favorite book series is Divergent!

• I love art, especially crafty things and painting.

• I only have one cousin!

• I love traveling and taking pictures.

• I love dance and hanging out with my friends.

• I am constantly listening to music.

• I enjoy being outside.

• I want to be a movie directer some day.

• I'm already beyond excited for Christmas this year!

• I enjoy good music.

• Last, I am very excited for this blog, and already have some ideas planned out!

 This was taken at the ocean during a trip in California earlier this year.
Pic Cred: My friend Nayo 
Another picture of the ocean that I took, also during my trip to California.
A picture of the sunset, also on my trip to California. The views were amazing!

If you have any requests or ideas on blogposts, I would love to hear them, make sure to leave a comment!  Thank you so much for taking time to read my blog, I appreciate it! If your into DIY's then this is the blog for you, check out my friend's blog: DIY Anytime
For the next few weeks I was thinking of doing some holiday related blog posts. Probably Halloween and fall things, and maybe a hair tutorial in there too, make sure to vote on my poll if you have any specific opinions on what I should blog about next!

That's all for now, Bye!
~ Marea