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Sunday, March 20, 2016


Yes, you did read the title correctly. I MET SHAILENE WOODLEY. Now I actually feel like I can believe that dreams do come true. I dreamed for over 4 years that I could meet Shailene Woodley and on the evening of March 19th it happened.

For years, I would see Instagram pictures of Shai with all these fans, and I always got so jealous of those people. But after all that waiting I finally got the chance to meet her. 

That same morning I was just checking my Instagram feed, something I usually do. Now I would say about 90% of the accounts I follow are Divergent related so I’m usually pretty up-to-date on everything that’s going on. I saw a couple people posting pictures saying that Shailene Woodley was in Salt Lake City, Utah. The second I saw this I jumped with excitement and wanted to find out if I could meet her. While doing some research I found out she was here to volunteer to speak at these Bernie Sander’s events, she was here to participate in four different events. I scrolled through all of them and realized that you had to RSVP to these because the space was limited. The one I was planning on going to didn’t work out, but then I discovered there was one more in the evening. Since this was a little over an hour a way I wasn’t sure if I could go, but I decided to ask my parents anyway. I knew that the opportunity to meet Shailene Woodley would probably not come again so I was determined to find a way to get there. After the anticipation, my parents agreed to it, knowing that this meant a lot to me. 

The rest of the day pretty much felt like 239084 years because I mean, SHAILENE WOODLEY. My best friend, who also understands my obsession with Divergent was on and off about being able to go. In the end, it all worked out and we were both able to go.

We arrived right at 7, just when it was about to start. It was in this large library, it was pretty much this empty room with only about 30 people in it. When we first got there Shailene wasn’t there, which I was actually relieved about because I wanted to gather my thoughts before meeting my favorite human ever. Now it is about 7:06, this other guy who was speaking at the event told us she would be here in about 20 minutes. Then the real anticipation began…

To be honest, none of it felt real until I saw her with my very own eyes. When she first walked in I was in total shock. SHAILENE WOODLEY WAS STANDING 2 FEET AWAY. She is in all of my favorite movies, and she is standing RIGHT THERE. At this point my heart was racing SO fast, my palms were sweaty, and my hands were shaking.

Then some people talked and then SHE talked. Every word she said was inspiring. After she spoke for about 5 minutes, she just started to talk to different people and took photos. I didn't want to be pushy so I waited for others to go first. THEN I GOT A PHOTOGRAPH. Definitely the most surreal thing I have ever experienced, and best moment of my life. Shai is even prettier in person and all the rumors of her being so nice, THEY ARE TRUE! She is so sweet, and she even had a conversation with my parents. LIKE WHATTTTTTTT. To top it off, she even signed my Allegiant book.

Image Courtesy of: My Dad

It's probably safe to say that was the best weekend of my life so far. Hope you all had a great weekend as well, until next time.

As Shai would say, "You do you" :)
- Marea

Saturday, March 19, 2016


*Non Spoiler Review*
*All opinions are my own*

After the long, painful of March just waiting and waiting for this movie. It is FINALLY March 17th/18th.

*Just an FYI this is more like me fangirling about the entire experience more so than a review.*

On the evening of Thursday March 17th, I got to see Allegiant which is the third installment of The Divergent Series. I cannot even express to you how impressed I was with this film. I'm a huge fan of this series, and have been for years, so I was over the top ecstatic about seeing this movie.

I have been counting down to see this movie since last year and I did not leave the theatre disappointed. I loved every aspect of this movie, 10 out of 10 for sure. The sets were incredible, so detailed, I was mesmerized the entire time. The acting. The action. The romance GAHH. The Bureau set was SO COOL.

 If you have read the book series, many people have been skeptical about how close it would to the book. This movie was definitely closer to the book that the last one, but definitely had many changes. The changes seemed right, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I don't recommend going into the movie thinking that it will be just like the book. Having reread the series just recently I remember pretty vividly what events happened in the book and the differences compared to the movie. There were differences, and similarities but they all worked well in the movie. I support all changes made in this movie. Overall the movie itself was incredible, the special effects were STUNNING and it was just an outstanding movie.

CAN WE JUST TAKE A MOMENT TO APPRECIATE THE FOURTRIS IN THIS MOVIE. It had more fourtris than Divergent and Insurgent combined. IT WAS SO GOOD GAHHHH. There was some conflict between the two characters which was sad, but I am glad that they included because there was actually quite some tension between the two characters in the books. I also really enjoyed how they showed what the two characters were doing separately, it made Four have more of a lead role than they did in Insurgent/Divergent.

Theo James. I don't even need to say anything, once you watch this movie you will understand.
He was just over the top amazing in this film. And of course, Shailene Woodley as always. I personally love both of these actors and I am so glad they play Tris and Four.

I plan to see it MANY MANY times in the theatre, and was very impressed and extremely overwhelmed with seeing it. I 100% recommend you see this movie, definitely one of the best movies I have ever seen and it probably my favorite of the three. It is now March 19th, and I have watched it 3 times and have not had enough. GO SEE IT IN THEATERS NOW!

Image Courtesy of: Fashiongonerogue

I also ordered this poster from Amazon, which looks gorgeous and I can't wait to see what it will look like with my others. Hope you enjoyed this review, until next time y'all...

Be Brave <4
- Marea  


Tuesday, March 8, 2016


If you didn't know the Allegiant movie is coming out VERY VERY soon, and words cannot express the excitement and anticipation I am feeling for this movie. If you don't know what I am talking about... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??!!

For those of you who are not aware, Allegiant is the 3rd installment of the Divergent Series. The Divergent series started off as a book series which has been made into films. The first movie came out in 2014, and now they are about to release the 3rd movie. If you don't know what Divergent is about I suggest you read the books (btw they are AMAZING), but it basically follows a young girl who lives in a society where you are placed according to personality which are called factions. In this futuristic world, and once you turn 18 you can choose to stay where you have always grown up or transfer. The factions are Abnegation meaning selflessness, Dauntless meaning bravery, Candor - honesty, Erudite - intelligence, and Amity - kindness. Tris, a young girl makes the bold choice of transferring into Dauntless which is a warrior faction. There is so much more to this series, but I don't want to give away too much if you don't know what I am talking about.

Anyway... ALLEGIANT!!!! I'm am so ecstatic about this film I can hardly breathe when I think about it. This time I get to see with one of my best friends ever and I am SO excited. I have liked Divergent for years now and I got her too love it too, which makes me so happy! If you care to know, we plan to eat many peach rings, and bring four boxes of tissues, along with an oxygen tank. Yes, we do need all of those things. If you google "Theo James" I think you will understand where I am coming from, amiright ladies? ;) Also Shailene Woodley, who in my opinion is one of the most talented actors of 2016 plays a lead role. I also plan to purchase a poster to hang in my room, do any of you know where I can find some in stores?

Earlier today, I was purchasing my tickets and had a slight moment of complete panic. The tickets for the show time that I wanted to see was sold out. Luckily, I did purchase tickets for a later time. While doing this my hands were shaking with anticipation waiting to find out if I would be able to even get tickets at all. In the end, I ended up getting tickets for the movie, but that the process was terrifying.

Personally this film looks amazing reguardless if you have read the books, but I highly encourage you to if you haven't. The sets and the acting is all awesome and I am beyond excited for next week.

Image Courtesy of: Broadwayworld

Hope you all are having an amazing day, any of you seeing Allegiant next weekend?? XD

Be Brave.
- Marea <4