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Tuesday, March 8, 2016


If you didn't know the Allegiant movie is coming out VERY VERY soon, and words cannot express the excitement and anticipation I am feeling for this movie. If you don't know what I am talking about... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??!!

For those of you who are not aware, Allegiant is the 3rd installment of the Divergent Series. The Divergent series started off as a book series which has been made into films. The first movie came out in 2014, and now they are about to release the 3rd movie. If you don't know what Divergent is about I suggest you read the books (btw they are AMAZING), but it basically follows a young girl who lives in a society where you are placed according to personality which are called factions. In this futuristic world, and once you turn 18 you can choose to stay where you have always grown up or transfer. The factions are Abnegation meaning selflessness, Dauntless meaning bravery, Candor - honesty, Erudite - intelligence, and Amity - kindness. Tris, a young girl makes the bold choice of transferring into Dauntless which is a warrior faction. There is so much more to this series, but I don't want to give away too much if you don't know what I am talking about.

Anyway... ALLEGIANT!!!! I'm am so ecstatic about this film I can hardly breathe when I think about it. This time I get to see with one of my best friends ever and I am SO excited. I have liked Divergent for years now and I got her too love it too, which makes me so happy! If you care to know, we plan to eat many peach rings, and bring four boxes of tissues, along with an oxygen tank. Yes, we do need all of those things. If you google "Theo James" I think you will understand where I am coming from, amiright ladies? ;) Also Shailene Woodley, who in my opinion is one of the most talented actors of 2016 plays a lead role. I also plan to purchase a poster to hang in my room, do any of you know where I can find some in stores?

Earlier today, I was purchasing my tickets and had a slight moment of complete panic. The tickets for the show time that I wanted to see was sold out. Luckily, I did purchase tickets for a later time. While doing this my hands were shaking with anticipation waiting to find out if I would be able to even get tickets at all. In the end, I ended up getting tickets for the movie, but that the process was terrifying.

Personally this film looks amazing reguardless if you have read the books, but I highly encourage you to if you haven't. The sets and the acting is all awesome and I am beyond excited for next week.

Image Courtesy of: Broadwayworld

Hope you all are having an amazing day, any of you seeing Allegiant next weekend?? XD

Be Brave.
- Marea <4

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