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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Another Ideal Reader?

I couldn't decide on who I wanted to write to for this post, so I decided to do both :)

Dear Shailene Woodley,

You are such an incredible human being, and I look up to you immensely. I have watched many of your interviews, and everything you say is so inspiring. I don't know you personally but you come across as such a kind, down to Earth person. I love your simple sense of style, and how you care so much for our planet.

I am not an actress myself, but I believe that you are so talented. Your performance in all the films I have seen you in are amazing. Your talks about self love and self respect are so inspiring, and I truly look up to you. You are such an awesome person, and of course actress, and I aspire to meet you someday.

You performance in films is amazing but from watching your interviews, you seem like such a down to Earth person. Now, that term can be used as someone who is kind, caring, and open to everyone but you are both that and earthy. I thought it was incredible that you didn't even have you own cell phone and only one for work. It's 2016, and most teens are so consumed in their electronics that people can't even seem to have a normal conversation. I admire your love for nature, and have been doing my best to not be on my phone as much. I personally love film and making videos which usually ends up in a lot of screen time, but I am working at being more present. These days, the amount of screen time teens use is scary. Many times I walk into coffee shops, or restaurants and you don't even see two people having a conversation anymore. They will usually just sit on their phones in silence. I admit, I have and am one of those people but if I am with someone I always make sure to turn off my phone so that I can be present with that person.

                                                                                                      Image Courtesy: cosmopolitan
I watched your Ellen interview when it came out, and I was very impressed. You can fit all of your belongs in one single carry on suit case. To have the mentality of not being attached to very few materialistic items was incredible. I am not the type of person who is super attached to the things I own and go through my clothes, books, and other random stuff multiple times a year. But I don't know how I could fit everything I ever wanted in one carry on suitcase!

Last but not least, I wanted to thank you. Thank you for being such a role model. I am sure you have millions of fans, and I am one in that huge number, but I cannot express my gratitude and respect for you.

If you were to read my blog it would be the biggest honor, and would honestly be speechless. I admire your lifestyle, and am ecstatic for what projects you have in the future.

Thanks again,
~ Marea

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