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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Adventures in Tahoe!

Wow, it has been awhile since I have written. Oops. Also - my blog is all over the place, and I need to fix it as soon as possible. :/

Anyways, I thought I would write a little bit about my trip to Tahoe this year!

Overall this trip was a major success, filled with lots of laughter, memories, and I got to be reunited with my childhood best friends. 10 kids, and 10 adults in one cabin was pretty crowded but was definitely one of the highlights of my year.

Most of these girls I have known since day 1 (literally) except for Mina, Saki, and Joe. Mina is the one in with the glasses at the top, Saki is in the background eating udon noodles haha, and little Joe is the adorable and only boy in the photo. The little boy in the photo, Joe, I had met before but not Mina and Saki. But I am really glad I got to hang out with them too, they were both really nice and we had such a good time. Also - my friend Momo, my brother, and Ken-chan did not get in the photo because they were either asleep, or else wear haha!The Tahoe trip was my Christmas present from my parents which I am so grateful for, it was loads of fun and maybe we can even go next year. ;)

 What was really nice about this trip was the fact that all of our parents are still really good friends and still keep in touch after all these years. All of our moms are Japanese and all of our dads are American, what a surprise! ;) Since my family moved to Utah, I have not gotten to hang out with these girls but when we do get to see each other we always make the best of it.

The trip also included lots of skiing, which I have to admit is not my favorite sport ever but since I was will friends which made it 10 times better.

All pictures were taken by my friends or me :)

I also managed to take about over 100 pictures maybe even 200, which I had to include because Tahoe is absolutely gorgeous! If you ever get the chance to go there I completely recommend it!

Another highlight of this epic trip was the food. If you have ever had Japanese food, you probably know that it tastes AMAZING. With 5 moms from Japan in a kitchen you are bound to get amazing food!  New Years was the biggest feast, filled with lots of traditional Japanese food, it is called Osechi. Osechi is a traditional Japanese meal that is eaten during New years.

We got to end the trip with an awesome tasting Ice Cream cake from Dairy Queen! My brothers birthday was the day we get back from Winter break and my mom and I thought it would be a lot more fun to have a small celebration with everyone together while in Tahoe. We choose an Oreo ice cream cake, which tasted incredible! If you like oreo's and ice cream this is definitely the cake for you, Dairy Queen also did an awesome job with the presentation!

Overall, the trip was incredible and was so much fun, I am so glad I got to spend my new years with so many of my family friends. I hope you all had an awesome new years/winter break!

Until next time,
- Marea

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