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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Christmas 2015

This post is WAYYYYYYY late, oops :/

Christmas is by far my favorite time of the year, the music, good food, warm drinks, the decorations, absolutely everything! Seriously, what's not to love about it?! I am personally a huge Christmas fan, and am one of those people that is counting down by no later than November 1st, if not earlier. I understand if you don't celebrate Christmas but I hope you are showing your holiday spirit somewhere! 2015's Christmas for me was a huge success but was also very different than all the previous years.

One thing I got a lot more into this year was Christmas movies! My family was never really into Christmas films until this year, we watched quite a few this year and I enjoyed it so much! One of my best friends is by far the biggest Christmas fan ever and finally got me into Christmas movies this year! One of my favorites I watched this year is called Santa Paws , I am sure you probably have all seen this before but I loved it! It was such a cute movie, and just put me in the Christmas spirit and made me feel so happy :) If you love puppies and Christmas this is definitely the movie for you!

                                                         Image Courtesy of: IMBD

This year was also different because my family didn't do advent calendars. Every year that I can remember we always buy chocolate advent calendars but this year we decided not to. Which was kinda sad, but the chocolate was never really good in them anyway haha. This coming Christmas my mom and I thought it would be a lot more fun if we could make our own!

Another thing that was different this year was that we had company! Almost every year my grandmother comes to visit us and we celebrate, but this year it was much more fun! My aunt and uncle drove out plus my cousin flew out with my grandma. I have to admit it got a bit crazy with all the people in our small house, but we managed, and it was a ton of fun.

Image courtesy of my camera's self timer

This year was the year of no photos in my family. Somehow we managed to not take any photos! We had a really hard time making our family Holiday card because of it! But by the end of the year, I was determined to get at least one good photo. My cousin, Owen, the youngest boy in the photo above, hates having his picture taken but this is the best one we got! 

Last but no least, one of my favorite memories of this Winter break was playing the board game Quelf with my family. If you ever get the chance to play this game I 100% recommend it, it's a ton of fun! It's an awesome game to play with a bunch of friends but also awesome for families!

In the end, this Christmas was definitely very different than previous years but it was a good change. I look forward to the years to come, and hope you all had an awesome holiday season.

- Marea

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