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Friday, January 15, 2016

2015 ⇨ 2016

2015 was definitely a challenging year for me personally, but it also had its highlights.

In this post I am mostly going to be talking about the highlights because I would much rather focus on the good things.

To start, I got to be reunited with my childhood friends in California 3 times last year. It was so awesome, and I grew a lot closer to them than ever before. Once in the summer, once for camping, and the 3rd time was Tahoe. All epic trips that I will not forgot.

Another highlight was growing close to one of my best friends, Alyssa. (I cringe typing her real name, she knows why;) In the past I never truly felt like I had one single person that I could always go to, I've had a number of friends I have been really close to but it was never just one person. Last year, and the year before, was the year that I felt like I had one really close friend. I am constantly laughing with Alyssa, we know all of each others secrets, and know everything about each other. We love and obsess over all the same things, I am so grateful to have someone like her in my life. Thank you so much jokey, JB, yoon, george, sam, fred, jeebs, jeebsie, jeebsieyoon, joke biffle, best friend. Yes I am aware we have lots of names hahaha!

                                          Photo taken by my cameras self timer!

Even though we hit a few rough patches, I am so thankful for one of my best friends, Ariel. We have been friends for 10 years now, and we are still friends! We share a lot of the same passions and interests which I am so grateful for because when we get together we always have the best times. Thank you for being the peanut butter to my jelly, and sticking with me. I really appreciate it Little Monster <3

2015 was also the year I went to my first concert. I got to see Walk the Moon with my close friends, Mikelle. Although, I admit it was stressful with so many people it was totally worth the fun! We had such good laughs, and walk the moon was awesome live.

I also felt like I made a lot of good friends last year, and I am grateful for every single one. You know who you are :-) I feel like I have a really good group of friends, and I am so glad I have a nice group of people in my life I can count on. Thank you :))

2015 was the year I discovered my love for language. 2015 was the year I decided to take two languages instead of one, which might not seem like a big deal but it actually is quite the challenge. I am fortunate growing up already bilingual (with Japanese) all my life. And I am now taking sign language and Chinese and am absolutely loving both! Personally, I find it really interesting the origins of words and how to carry on a language in certain countries. Also learning the culture of a country and the language is very fascinating!

Those are just a few highlights of my 2015, hope you enjoyed! I hope you all had a great year, and that your 2016 will be even better.

- Marea

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