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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What's in my Dance Bag!

Hello everybody, I hope you all are having a wonderful week! For this post, I am going to be showing you what's in my dance bag! This year I have been dancing a lot more, which is really fun, but that means I have to carry more things. I don't carry all of these things every time I go to dance, but these are some things that I think are important to keep in your dance bag!

To start I will be showing you my dance bag, I usually bring this one because it has my studio name on it, and it's a string bag which I like. I also keep this rad keychain my friend Mikelle got me from Paris :)

In my studio there is a water fountain, but I prefer to keep a water bottle in the studio all the time, that way I can get a drink whenever I need to. Sometimes I like to bring ice tea too, but mostly water! I also like to keep food, because I. love. food. I choose a peanut butter, chocolate chip bar which tastes pretty good! I usually bring some type of snack to keep going, usually some type of granola bar.

Next, I keep my uniform in my bag, for my jazz class we are required to wear one so I always keep that for class. Since they are leggings, I also like to keep a pair of shorts in my bag incase it gets hot. Usually black ones, but sometimes colored ones too. My shirt, is just this solid black top that is pretty tight, but fits nicely. You can't see in this picture but if on the other sides the straps go across my back.

Then of course my dance shoes! I have jazz shoes, which I'm not a huge fan of, but I have them for performing. I also have half soles, which are my favorite, they are extremely helpful when turning or working on technique. I have a leather pair and softer fabric pair which I got just recently. Then, I have toe undies which I use to use a lot, but now I prefer half soles. Lastly, I keep a pair of socks, just in case if I feel like wearing those one day. Plus they are very comfortable!

Lately, it has been getting colder so I like to keep a pair of black sweats in my bag to put on afterwards. I also always keep some type of sweatshirt or hoodie in my bag so I don't get cold, the one I have is from Aeropostale.

Lastly, I keep some hair ties, bobby pins, and a mini hairbrush just in case my hair gets messy. Which usually it does, so these come in handy. Plus I'm always the type of person to looses their bobby pins frequently, so it's good to keep some extra. Anyone else the same way?

That is everything I keep in my dance bag! I hope you enjoyed this post, it was a lot of fun to do, and I appreciate anyone to anyone that takes time out of their day to read my blog. It's super cool to have people read about what I have to say, I would also like to mention that I will have one more blog post up in the next couple days! I have also noticed the more I write the more I enjoy it, although it is finals week at school I will make time for this blog! Anyone else feeling the pressure to get all your work done? I know I am.

Anyway, I am getting very off topic so I better go! Bye!
~ Marea

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