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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Story Time | A Squirrel in the Toilet?! PT. 1

Hello again, today I am going to be sharing probably the weirdest thing that has happened in my life. I decided to split this up into two parts because I don't want to drag it out to be too long, anyways enjoy.

        This is for sure a memory that I will never forget. The day I found a ground squirrel in my toilet. Now I don’t know how this happened, and how the squirrel managed to make it into the toilet, but it did. 
One late winter afternoon, about six years ago, my friend and I found a baby ground squirrel in the toilet. Here is how it all went down;
I remember the feeling of boredom I had that day. I called all the friends I could, and finally one of them answered with a yes. Luckily, she lived just a few houses down from me so it was walking distance.
At the time we were both very young so we mostly played with toys a lot, which at the time my friend and I thought was the funnest thing ever. After a few hours of that, I had to use the bathroom. I rushed to the restroom and opened the toilet seat…
  There it was. A small, brown ground squirrel laying sideways in the toilet bowl. Casually drinking the gross water, that my mom had just cleaned. At first I was speechless, finally after a moment of staring into the toilet I yell for my mom and my friend. When I yelled to my mom that there was something in the toilet, I could hear from the tone of my mom’s voice that she very confused. My friend and mom both rush into the room, and they both glance down at the toilet. The two of them speechless, by instinct my mom grabs the toilet seat and drops it shut. For the mean time, we kept the lid shut with a stack of books on top in case the squirrel tried to jump out. Then my mom grabs her phone and dials to call my dad. After a few rings my dad answers, and my mom tells us to go to the garage and grab the huge pair of tongs. <--- Literally like a giant pair of these, don't ask why we have a pair.
After rummaging through some of the junk in our garage finally I find the huge tongs my mom was talking about. They looked like a pair of salad prongs that were extremely long. The two of us rush back to the bathroom and my mom tells us we have to pick it up and get it outside onto the deck. The three of us discuss who should do it, but we made the decision to wait for my dad to get back. 
  I can imagine it was probably weird for my dad to leave his job to get a ground squirrel out of the toilet. But I guess that’s life! Unpredictable, random, and fun! This was definitely one of those weird experiences!

Check out my next post for PT. 2 of this weird experience!

This is pretty much what the squirrel looked like from what I can remember.
Image Courtesy of: Google

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