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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Pet Peeves | Rant

Hello, today I am going to be talking about things that annoy me, some worse than others. Let's get started:

1. When sand gets underneath your fingernails. I don't even need to explain this one, the un-comfort level of this makes me cringe.

2. When you are in the middle of FaceTime call and it constantly breaks up.

3. When I see people with greasy hair at school that it has started to part into chunks and it is darker, or if you can smell someones body odor near them. HYGIENE! Please shower, thank you!

4. People that do not cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough. It is just polite and I do not want to get sick.

5. When my socks get wet and you have to walk around with that wet sock in your shoe. EW.

6. People who do not wash their hands after they go to the bathroom, it's just plain gross.

7. When you genuinely care about someone and you ask what's wrong, and they reply with "nothing."

8. When someone is constantly copying you all the time, I don't mind with little things but after many many times it get's old.

9. TV commercials, does anyone really like those?

10. When you miss a call from someone and then call them back like 30 seconds to a minute later and they don't pick up.

11. For this one, I am a victim of doing this but it still bothers me. When people who say they can't do something without even trying, and they just refuse to do it completely.

12. People who stick their chewed gum in places, there are places to throw it away, don't stick your gum under tables.

13. When restaurants fill up your water right as your about to leave, that's one full cup of water wasted! Let's at least put some effort into saving our planet.

14. People who dress their pets, just leave the poor dog alone! 95% of the time the dog is already cute as it is, it doesn't need clothes.

15. People who blast music so loud out of their cars, and most of the time the music isn't even good. If your going to play your music that loud, at least play a good song.

16. Overused YouTube challenges, you know what I'm talking about. ;)

17. Last but certainly not least, when girls use the phrase "tumblr." I have seen quite a few girls make YouTube videos on "How to be Tumblr," I just don't get why so many girls are obsessed with being "tumblr," Be YOU! Sorry to end this on a cheesy note but please don't try to be someone your not, you do you! (Quote by the amazingly talented Shailene Woodley)

Example of my 17th pet peeve above. Image Courtesy of: Google

There are a few things that annoy me, I hope you can relate! Sorry that I am not doing the best to keep up with my blog on a weekly schedule, I will try my best to keep up! If your reading this, I appreciate the time you are taking to do so.
See ya next time, bye! ~ Marea
p.s. I would really appreciate if you could vote on my poll! Thanks :)

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