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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

All the Bright Places | Book Review

BOOKS!!! In the last few months, I have been really into books. At some points in grade school, I strongly disliked reading and refused to believe that there were no good books out there. Until about 6th grade I got a lot more into reading, and have been a book lover ever since. More recently, I have been reading a ton of books, and one of my favorites that I just finished is All the Bright Places.

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All the Bright Places is a young adult coming of age novel written by Jennifer Niven. It takes place in Indiana, focusing on two characters, Finch, and Violet. They meet at the top of a bell tower, both fascinated by the idea of death. They end up being paired for a school project, and their relationship develops throughout.

I do not want to give away too much of the book, by telling you more about the plot but I can tell you some things on why I enjoyed it.

First, I really enjoyed that the novel switches point of view between the two main characters. It was interesting to read what each characters though process was. I have not read many books that switch consistently between the two characters, which I really enjoyed.

This book will also keep you hooked, I finished it in only a couple of days because I wanted to read until I finished it, definitely one of those books that you cannot put down. The plot is suspenseful and all the drama makes you want to find out more.

Of course with a boy and a girl main character, they are bound to fall in love... The love story between the two is really sweet and it really shows in the book how much they care about each other. Their relationship takes awhile to develop, which I actually enjoyed because it made it seem more realistic.

The ending is quite bittersweet, so be ready if you plan on reading this book :)) When finishing this book I actually read into the author and this story was based off of her own high school experience and her story was also quite moving. If you plan on reading this novel I recommend looking into the author, Jennifer Niven. Her story is really moving, and it helped me gain more knowledge on where some of the ideas came from for this book.

One thing I look forward to is in 2017 this book has plans to become a film! I am ecstatic about this novel becoming a movie, and I really hope that it does stay true to the book.

Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot and made me realize to really treasure each and every moment, and as Theodore Finch would say, "The problem with people is they forget that most of the time it's the small things that count. Everyone's so busy waiting in the Waiting Place. If we stopped to remember that there's such thing as a Purina Tower and a view like this, we'd all be happier."

Happy reading :)
- Marea

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