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Thursday, May 5, 2016

"love. always. in all ways. - SW"

Over the last couple of months I have especially noticed how so many people take things for granted(myself included).

Something I noticed more so recently is some of the drama that has to do with the dance program at my school. I am not going to use names for any of the people (b/c don't get me wrong I still love all these girls), but many of them don't really appreciate the opportunity's we are given. In no way do I think the dance program at school is perfect but we still do get a lot than most students do. Especially the stage that we get to perform on is crazy big, and extremely professional. If the only thing you can think about is getting the "next best thing" or the "cuter costume" you will loose sight of what is right in front of you. We could all be a little more grateful (myself included) for the opportunities  and the community that we are surrounded in.

While I do realize that you cannot always be positive, and granted we are all allowed to have our bad days, or weeks but in the long run TRY to appreciate what you have. In no way am I even close to being perfect with this, but I swear I am trying. ;)

If you write down a list of things that  make you happy I can guarantee that at least 50% of them are the little things that truly make you happy. One book I really enjoyed recently (All the Bright Places) had a quote in it that reminds me of this, which is "The problem with people is they forget that most of the time it's the small things that count. Everyone's so busy waiting in the Waiting Place. If we stopped to remember that there's such thing as a Purina Tower and a view like this, we'd all be happier." I totally agree with this quote, and think that the point of this quote is so important.

Often, in society these days we are also constantly comparing ourselves. "She has prettier hair." "She is a better dancer." "She has cuter clothes." We get so caught up in these comparisons that when we look in the mirror you don't see you for you, you see who your not. YOU are enough, and the sooner you can realize that I'm the happier you will be :-)

Image Courtesy of: omaze

Like one of my favorite people says, "You do you, and I'll do me." If you know me personally you know who I'm talking about haha ;)

To be honest, I don't even know where I am going with this but there goes my inspirational post. I hope this made a somewhat amount of sense, I do realize my thoughts are all over the place but I tried my best. I hope this helped at least in some way and was a good reminder :)

Until next time...
~ Marea

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